jul 31 2018
Aisles (Chile)
With four studio albums, Aisles have become South America’s most acclaimed prog act of the last decade. Their daring combination of rock, fusion, jazz and world music illustrates the band’s uniquely eclectic approach.
The group has played in the Americas and Europe, and their albums have been published in Europe, North and South America, and Japan.
jul 31 2018
Peter Murphy u Beogradu 9.novembra 2018.
Vest koja će svakako obradovati brojne fanove i sledbenike ostavštine Bauhausa, stiže iz „kuhinje“ promo / koncertne agencije i izdavačke kuće “ Long Play“.
„Legendarni muzičar Peter Murphy održaće koncert 9. novembra (21:00) u dvorani „Amerikana“ Doma omladine Beograda, u okviru svetske turneje nazvane „40 Years of Bauhaus Ruby Celebration Feat. David J“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Najave •