jan 31 2018
Alex Lopez (USA)
Alex Lopez is an acclaimed guitarist and emerging artist quickly taking the blues/rock scene by storm. Alex was born in the heartland of Rock n Roll Cleveland Ohio and started playing keyboards before becoming inspired by British blues/rock bands to master the guitar.
jan 31 2018
Wishbone Ash…“The Vintage Years 1970-1991″..30CD Box Set.. na tržištu od 20.aprila 2018.
Rodonačelnici tkzv. twin guitar stila , britanski doajeni Wishbone Ash, uskoro očekuju izlazak luksuznog box seta koji sadrži čak 30 CD-a. Naziva “ The Vintage Years 1970-1991″, uključivaće sve remasterizovane snimke realizovane u pomenutom periodu, plus puno toga neobjavljenog i nikad do sada izašlog u oficijalnoj diskografiji.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Najave •