avg 1 2017
BOX WINE TRIO – „The Purple Album“
(Self – released ) 2017.
Fusion/crossover – USA
Austin,Tx group Box Wine Trio formed back in 2012. Next year, they have released a first product, entitled “ Straight To Your Head“.
avg 1 2017
(Self – released ) 2017.
Fusion/crossover – USA
Austin,Tx group Box Wine Trio formed back in 2012. Next year, they have released a first product, entitled “ Straight To Your Head“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
avg 1 2017
After pounding the musical pavement in Nashville for over 15 years and becoming frustrated with the “cookie-cutter” mentality of Music Row, Cheevers had moved to Austin in 2008 seeking fertile creative soil to revitalize his work. “While I love Nashville, I needed to move away from the chart-oriented songwriting mill into a world where artists are encouraged to write from the heart rather than writing for the charts. Moving to Texas felt right from the start. So many of my pals, like Walt Wilkins and Kevin Welch, had already moved there and I felt enormous creative freedom simply by being in that community of artists.”
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
avg 1 2017
American singer songwriter Wendy Webb releases her 5th studio album ”Step Out Of Line” on Spooky Moon Records. Songs written under a Nashville skyline with an urban attitude attracted legendary musicians Wayne Jackson, David Grissom, Mark T Jordan, Willie Weeks and Dan Dugmore to record with Webb. The record consists of 9 original songs along with a haunting electric piano rendition of Bob Dylan’s ‘Girl From The North Country’, a stunning tribute that pays homage to her Midwestern roots. The recordings took place in a private residence in Nashville where Webb co-wrote and co-produced with engineer Mark Keller.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
avg 1 2017
Format : 7 “ Single Izdavač : Sarajevo Disk Godina izdanja : 1978. Žanr : Pop / acoustic Nedžad Čamdžić – Džadžo predstavljao je intersantnu pojavu na ondašnjem EX-Yu muzičkom nebu. Delovao je vrlo kratko, izgledao je prilično nezgrapno (podsećao je na Demisa Roussosa), koliko se sećam imao je i zdravstvenih problema sa nogom, a […]
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Sound Waves From The YU Past •
avg 1 2017
vartet iz Novog Sada – Kolaps, jedan je od onih sastava koji konstantno na jednako marljiv i uporan način gradi vlastitu karijeru. Formirani su 2005-e, ali prava priča nakon konsolidovanja postave kreće od 2010-e. Do sada su objavili tri albuma :“Kolaps“ (2010.), „“Bunt“ (2013.) i „Neka gori“ (2015.).
Svoj izvođački koncept nazivaju -rockcore, a on predstavlja „razornu“ kombinaciju hardcore i rock elemenata.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • TMM TV •
jul 31 2017
Genre :
Deep Purple Tribute
Band Members :
Alan Ross : Vocal
Micky Kerrigan : Drums
Mark Craig : Guitar
Marc Walton : Bass
Graeme Carroll : Organ
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Tribute Acts •
jul 31 2017
(Croatia Records) 2017.
Chanson – SERBIA
Novosađanin Nemanja Nešić muzički i autorski aktivan je od 1991-e godine. Predvodio je sastave Revir i Mali Princ, pisao muziku za TV i razne predstave. Kako sam kaže Mali Princ nije još završio svoju priču, samo je bend „on hold“, dok je u žiži aktuelnosti njegova solo karijera.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •
jul 31 2017
(Take It Or Leave It) 2017.
Punk/punk rock / SERBIA
Knjaževački sastav School Bus dočekao je tokom januara meseca ove 2017-e, izlazak svog drugog po redu albuma, naziva „Gledanje u sunce“. Prvi su svojevremeno objavili za Franjićevu etiketu „Slušaj najglasnije“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •
jul 30 2017
(Lampshade Media ) 2017.
Pop /modern pop / pop rock – SERBIA
Tokom jula meseca bend čiju postavu čini ekipa iz Beograda i Vrbasa, realizovala je singl izdanje, pesmu naziva „Ljuto nebo“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •
jul 30 2017
With their second album Kin Sonic, Jupiter and Okwess transcend the Congo’s unexplored musical heritage and dive into a pool of modernity. We’re invited to savour his latest recipe, the Okwess (‘food’ in the Kibunda language) which is the fruit of all the encounters and influences he has absorbed during his many journeys around the world. It’s a recipe based on perfect alchemy, enriched by contributions from Damon Albarn of Blur and Gorillaz, violinist Warren Ellis of Nick Cave’s Bad Seeds and Robert del Naja, aka ‘3D’, of Massive Attack.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
jul 28 2017
Niški kantautor Saša Trajković aka Serbon, nekada deo kultnog gradskog sastava Stentor, pre izvesnog vremena uradio je video klip za song „Lutam“ ( Odmori me).
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Događaji •
Without Your donation, rock culture couldn't exist in best possible manner. Your good will is always appreciable. Thank You in advance
avg 2 2017
Small Change (USA)
Genre :
…Tom Waits
Band Members:
Bob Gagnon: Vocals; guitar
Mark van Gulden: Vibes
Steve Sawyer: Tenor sax
Andy Smith: Bass
Tom Teare: Drums; percussion
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Tribute Acts •