jun 22 2017
Rosetta Stoned live from „Firchie Think Tank“ Novi Sad..TMM TV
Novosadski sastav Rosetta Stoned deluje kratak vremenski period. Međutim, članovi postave imaju jasnu sliku o onome što u muzičkom smislu žele da ponude i ostvare.
jun 22 2017
Novosadski sastav Rosetta Stoned deluje kratak vremenski period. Međutim, članovi postave imaju jasnu sliku o onome što u muzičkom smislu žele da ponude i ostvare.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • TMM TV •
jun 22 2017
Bev Grant grew up singing and playing in Portland, Oregon, where she began her performing career as a child in a band with her two sisters. After moving to New York City, she devoted herself to topical songwriting and social activism, notably in her band The Human Condition. Bev is featured on the Grammy-nominated Best […]
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
jun 5 2017
Gost – domaćin u ovoj epizodi je Branimir Lokner, poznati rok kritičar. Govorimo o rokenrolu u Srbiji, njegovoj promociji, internetu, muzičkim festivalima i novim bendovima sa naših prostora. Literatura:
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Ćoškari •
jun 4 2017
Sastav iz Gornjeg Milanovca, Strah od Džeki Čena petak 2.juni proveo je u radnim aktivnostima. Prvo je za ljude iz posla, medije, naravno i prijatelje, upriličena promocija aktuelnog istoimenog debi CD-a u kući „Metropolis“ s početkom u 13 sati, inače objavljenog za „Felix Records“. Tu je bend i odsvirao akustični set za sve prisutne, lagano se zagrevajući za ono što će uslediti u večernjim satima.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Događaji •
jun 3 2017
U četvrtak 1-og juna novosadska publika, kao i deo auditorijuma koji je došao iz Beograda, imao je lepu priliku da na delu „uhvati“ nastupe Deecin Ye MC-a i Flower Roky Boysa.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Događaji •
maj 21 2017
Seattle based piano man Aaron English has been steadily building a buzz in the US, thanks to 4 self released albums and regular touring throughout the US as a solo artist and with The Aaron English Band.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
maj 21 2017
Born in New York City and raised across the river in Fort Lee, New Jersey, Kenny White began his career in the 1970’s, touring exclusively as the keyboard player for Jonathan Edwards and Livingston Taylor. He then became a fixture in the New York City studio scene throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s, producing and arranging literally hundreds of commercials for TV and radio. Commercial work enabled White to direct artists as renowned and varied as Gladys Knight, Linda Ronstadt, Mavis Staples, Ricky Skaggs, and Aaron Neville White worked on many film soundtracks as a contributing writer and musician including „Message In A Bottle“, Kenny also appears on dozens of recordings of other musicians, including Marc Cohn’s platinum debut album.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
maj 21 2017
Beogradski hard rock sastav Steel, koji je tokom prošle 2016-e godine objavio debi album za „PGP RTS“ naziva „Deo sna“, nastavlja sa aktivnostima.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • TMM TV •
maj 21 2017
An exceptional artist and singer who with her deep sense of expression and emotion and feeling to the music and the ability to move the listener, to reach out to and connect with her audience at live performances.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
maj 21 2017
Doug Schmude, pronounced as to rhyme with moody, is an americana singer songwriter who combines rock, folk and country with a common thread of storytelling and vividly drawn characters. His latest record, ”Ghosts Of The Main Drag”, is a collection of 10 original tracks. This album features a mixture of driving electric guitar tracks and folk and country inspired tunes with pieces of blues and grunge mixed in that should fit well within a playlist of artists such as Son Volt, Reckless Kelly and Tom Petty. The album, released independently on his own label Lost Hubcap Records, was self produced. Doug plays the majority of the acoustic and electric guitars, mandolin, lap steel guitar and dobro. The album additionally features appearances by Kyle Nix (Turnpike Troubadours) on fiddle, Jessy Greene (The Jayhawks) on fiddle, Joe Fick (The Don Kelley Band) on upright bass and Bobbo Byrnes (The Fallen Stars) on organ and bass.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
maj 19 2017
Nove vesti stižu iz tabora beogradskog sastava Kora:
„Sad se kajem“ je naziv nove pesme i video singla beogradskog sastava Kora. Ovo je ujedno i prva pesma sa njihovog predstojećeg, drugog po redu albuma. Kao i do sada autori muzike, teksta i aranžmana su članovi benda, a novitet je da je bend otpočeo saradnju sa našim renomiranim producentom Oliverom Jovanovićem (Studio „O“) koji je producirao ovu pesmu. Reditelj spota je Miodrag Kolarić.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Vesti •
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jun 23 2017
The Furious Seasons (USA)
“We’re not done yet, not by a longshot”, sings L.A. veteran David Steinhart on ”Look West’s” opening gem “Longshot”. And though he’s singing of a relationship, it’s utterly true of his muse, too. Having gone canyon rock, country, pop, western on last year’s ”My Love Is Strong” with pleasing result, he goes one better, decamping with just his and lead guitarist Paul Nelson’s acoustics and harmonies, making western folk that shines the sharpest light on his pure strengths over now 21 LP’s in 32-years, beginning with ”Pop Art” and ”Smart Brown Handbag”, his remarkably seasoned songwriting and storytelling.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •