feb 1 2017
„Combing through the lyrics of this album, the 2 words that stuck out were ‘heart’ and ‘compass'“, states Pete Sinjin. „I realized that, for me, they’re one in the same. My heart is my compass. I’ve been led around by my heart always, and it’s taken me all over. It’s delivered me to where I am now, which is a pretty nice place to be“.
”The Heart & The Compass”, Pete Sinjin’s 4th album of original compositions, lives up to its title. Such lyrically vivid, melodically arresting originals as ‘That’s My Heart’, ‘Dirty Windshield’, and ‘The Night That I Saw God’, resonate with insight and warmth, with spacious, organic grooves and melodic hooks that are every bit as expressive as his lyrics.
feb 2 2017
Frontman beogradskog sastava Steel, Branislav Lazić Bane dao je intervju mom prijatelju i saradniku Predragu Jovanoviću za site „Druga strane računara“, kojeg u kompletu prenosimo na stranice „TMM“-a. A nakon uvodnih reči, pogledajte i pročitajte , šta je Bane imao da kaže : Branislav Lazić rođen je 19.08.1975. godine u Beogradu. Pohađao je osnovnu školu […]
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Intervju •