nov 10 2023
Tortuga i Maha Sohona u nedelju. 12. novembra u beogradskom “Dorćol Platzu”!
Neumorna i iznimno aktivna ekipa iz “Hangtime Agency”-a dovode nam u goste dva izuzetno intersantna sastava, koja će se predstaviti beogradskoj publici u nedelju 12. novembra, s početkom u 20.30. sati u prostoru “Dorćol Platza. Biće to pravi užitak za sve ljubitelje stoner/psychedelick/acid rock /desert rock tendencija.
nov 11 2023
FUZZILIERS – “Would You Believe”
(Self-released) 2023.
EP/ digital
Indie rock//pop/acid pop rock/60’s beat/psychedelic – RUSSIA
A few days ago, I was asked by the members of band Fuzziliers to preview their EP, whose official international release is scheduled for November 29,2023. By the way, the band comes from Saint-Petersburg, but due to the political and war events in their surroundings, they moved to Istanbul, from where their actual musical career begins.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •