mar 14 2016
Susan James received high praise in 2014 for her CD “Driving Toward The Sun,” which not only achieved various chart rankings, but landed a number of television and film licensing deals and reached another level of fans. Her US shows and European tours built a steady stream of followers. The new 2015 release, ‘SEA GLASS’, (rel. US 6/15/15 and UK 10/16/15) takes a new turn into an orchestral psyche-folk world all her own.
mar 17 2016
ZBOGOM BRUS LI…Foto monografija..!!!
Novosadski sastav Zbogom Brus Li, nedavno je dočekao izlazak luksuzne foto monografije naziva „Zabranjenima ulaz besposlen“. 452 strane, tvrd povez i full-colour, ima se šta videti, ali i pročitati. Bend i saradnici su se zaista potrudii da ovo luksuzno izdanje izgleda po svetskim standardima, a i sama priprema i realizacija, trajali su koju godinu. Izdavač […]
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