jan 18 2016
Priča o domaćem punku bila bi nepotpuna bez Skakija i njegovih aktivnosti. Frontman Koalicionog Sporazuma ( nekad Trule Koalicije, koja je danas drugi bend), sa ekipom istomišljenika, godinama unazad takođe aktivnih punk i rock pregalaca, tokom 2015-e se u velikom stilu vratio u sfere ovdašnjeg underground muzičkog života. Bend iz Gornjeg Milanovca je objavio i […]
jan 18 2016
Steve Katz is a New York-based singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He performs regularly at music venues throughout the city. Raised in Belgium, Katz has played guitar since he was 14 years old and knew from the very first chord he learned that making music was his calling. While growing up in Brussels, Katz was a […]
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