jun 14 2023
“Reflections”..album Nikole Cvetkovića!
Pijanista Nikola Cvetković je rođen u Aleksincu, mesto boravka mu je Niš, a do sada se putem svoje “Bandcamp” strane, oglašavao realizovanim albumima i snimcima”.
jun 14 2023
Pijanista Nikola Cvetković je rođen u Aleksincu, mesto boravka mu je Niš, a do sada se putem svoje “Bandcamp” strane, oglašavao realizovanim albumima i snimcima”.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Nova izdanja •
jun 14 2023
(Noise Appeal Records/Bite It Promotion) 2023.
Alter rock/alter metal/90’s rock/hardcore – AUSTRIA
Austrian band Lausch is an act with suitable work and discography behind it. They have released an 4 albums and one “live” EP, and so far they have presented to the interested audiences as a band that has something to say and offer.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
jun 14 2023
(A Tree In A Field Records/Bite It Promotion) 2023.
Various genres – SWITZERLAND
Out of Zurich, Switzerland comes a band District Five. This is a former jazz act,that decided to turn a page in its current phase and embark on some kind of sonic experimentation.Their actual album “Pause”, with 7 tracks in, will be worldwide available on 23rd June 2023.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
jun 14 2023
(Interrabang/Hemifran) 2023.
Various genres – USA
Gregory Page is experienced musician, born in England, but reside in San Diego, California. His rich career has been going on for years, as well as cooperation with a large number of musicians/artists. He is also owner of many albums, as same as artist, whose music has been featured on BBC, NPR, and film and television soundtracks.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
jun 11 2023
(Self-released) 2023.
Irish folk – IRELAND
The Jeremiahs are Irish folk band, based in Dublin, even that part of the members from group came from different sides/places/cities. They have started career in 2013, and the first album a group has released in 2021. titled “The Femme Fatale of Maine”. Second one is still actual, called “Misery Hill and other Stories”, dated from March 2023.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
jun 11 2023
(Self-released/Hemifran) 2022.
Folk rock/folk pop/melodic rock/pop – USA
Singer/songwriter Matthew Check is a longer time in the “saddle”, and his activities touches wider fields of bluegrass, roots music/folk pop/rock, and classic variants of rock approach as well. During the previous period, he has been cooperated with many musicians/colleagues, but all of the time, he wrote his own songs , and research his general musical possibilities.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
jun 10 2023
(Multimedia Music) 2022.
Rock/hard rock – SERBIA
Lazarevački sastav Rulja Inc. postoji od 2018-e godine, i tokom dolazećih godina potrudili su se bar što se tiče Beograda i okoline, da što je moguće više uživo predstave vlastiti muzički pristup i sve ono iza čega kao bend stoje. Prošle godine, krajem septembra meseca “Multimedia Music” objavljuje njihovo debitantsko ostvarenje naziva “Ništa skriveno”, koje je dostupno pored digitalne varijante i kao CD.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •
jun 10 2023
(Self-released) 2023.
Progressive/progressive rock -SERBIA
Ovih dana niški sastav Monah ima puno razloga za zadovoljstvo i zašto ne reći-slavlje. Pobednici su ovogodišnjeg “Bunt” festivala, a isto vreme objavili su i album naziva “Utopija”, tako da zaintersovana javnost, koliko je to moguće realističnije može da se informiše o njihovom radu.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •
jun 3 2023
(Sounds Of Subterrania/ Bite It Promotion) 2023
Post hardcore/alter metal/alt.rock/crossover – DENMARK
On April 28th. 2023. Copenhagen based band Riverhead releases its second offering, album with 10 tracks in, titled “Cancer”, done as a CD, LP and digital.
From it’s very beginning, Cancer as a group had a promising career, but after realization of an EP and album, they suffered from some personal and realistic problems, so the audience waited a little longer for their new achievement.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
jun 3 2023
(Croatia Records/Alta Music) 2022.
Vocal jazz/jazz – CROATIA
Tokom septembra meseca prošle 2022-e godine, “Croatia Records”/”Alta Music” kroz svoj katalog iznedrila je jedno iznimno intersantno, dokumentaristički i istorijski vredno, a ništa manje diskografski potrebno izdanje, album dvojice doajena Drage Diklića i Dražena Boića, naziva “Two Of A Kind”.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •
jun 3 2023
Aleksander Kozmič je gitarista, takođe multi-instrumentalista, kantautor, koji povremeno na sebe preuzima i ulogu vokalnog soliste, čija aktivnost na slovenačkom muzičkom nebu je izražena i saradnjom sa brojnim akterima/sastavima i izvođačima. Isto tako njegovo delovanje, kao i radovi imaju i internacionalnu primećenost.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Nova izdanja •
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jun 14 2023
Debi album novosadskog kantautora Igora Sakacha!
Mladi novosađanin Igor Sakach, ovih dana je objavio svoje debitantsko albumsko ostvarenje, jednostavnog naziva “Introducing”. Inače ovaj gitarista, pevač, a na svom albumu i multi-instrumentalista, već iza sebe ima staž muzičara koji je svirao u nekolicini gradskih sastava.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Nova izdanja •