mar 19 2023
GRUPA CD – „Antologija – Vjeruj u ljubav“
(Jugoton/Croatia Records) 2023.
Pop/ rock – SERBIA
Moram priznati da me je veoma obradovao izlazak ovog izdanja, tačnije kompilacije koja zapravo predstavlja i kompletan uvid u diskografsko delovanje sastava formiranog u Beogradu, koji je tokom perioda egzistiranja objavio za „Jugoton“ 8 singlova, i zapravo svih 16 otisnutih tada kompozicija predstavljene su u remasterizovanoj formi na ovom CD-u, kao i streaming platformama.
mar 20 2023
NED GREENOUGH – „Parting Divide“
(Self-released) 2023.
Neo-progressive/art rock – USA
Out of Syracuse, New York comes Ned Greenough, artist, performer, keybord player, arranger . With actual release „Parting Divide“, he has recorded also one more full-length and few singles/EP’s. I have pleasure to receive from him his actual product, and previous album “ A Drop In The Bucket“ from 2019 year, and improve my knowledge about the work, thoughts and actions of this artist.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •