feb 27 2023
ROBERTA ROMAN – „La Petite Naples, operation Sultan vol.2“
(Entourage Contempo/Absilone/Socadisc/VeevCom) 2023.
World music/canzone Napoletana/various genres – FRANCE
Roberta Roman is established French guitarist/author and artists, and her musical views as well as compositional confrontations deviate from the usual known standards. The current work represents a sort of conceptual album, which simultaneously examines historical and political events, which were followed by the tragic fate of Second world war.
mar 3 2023
SIMPLE RED – „Better With You“
(Warner music UK/Dancing Bear) 2023.
1 track single/digital
Pop/ soul pop – UK
Well-known Simple Red in the period of expectation of new album „Time“, whose release is expected at the end of May 2023, comes out with a new single called „Better With You!
Objavio Branimir Lokner • 1 minute review •