apr 1 2024
(Snaga) 2024.
1 track digital
Alter/indie rock/post punk – SERBIA
Beogradski sastav Logička Greška egzistira od 2017-e godine, i do sada su objavili jedno EP izdanje i jedno full-length ostvarenje. Oba su dostupna u digitalnoj varijanti. Sastav u muzičkom smislu kombinuje više žanrovskih idioma unutar alter/indie rock tendencija, pokušavaju da budu što je više moguće originalni i autentični, a upravo su realizovali singl i spot za numeru “Savest”, koja bi trebala predstavljati uvod u realizaciju više dolazećih singl izdanja i napokon albuma koji se očekuje do kraja godine.
jul 19 2024
BIRDFEEDER – “Woodstock”
(Soul Selects Records/Hemifran) 2024.
Indie rock/pop/alter rock /pop/ folk rock – USA
Birdfeeder are a team made up of three friends, active since the 80’s of the previous century, who are generally very little, or not at all, known in these parts of Balkans. There is no doubt that the career of this team was somewhat spontaneous, perhaps less formal, but we have here their current work, which includes 8 songs. In this case, as they say, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a full-length release or an EP.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews • • Tags: alter pop, alter rock, Birdfeeder, Branimir Lokner, folk rock, Hemifran, indie rock, Soul Selects Records, Time Machine Music, Woodstock