sep 18 2024
„Privatni indigo“…drugi po redu album beogradskog kantautora Nika Nikolića!
Krajem augusta meseca beogradski singer/songwriter Niko Nikolić, objavio je svoj drugi po redu album naziva „Privatni indigo“. Prvi full-length je realizovao pri kraju 2020-e godine – „Drugo mesto“ (Više manje zauvijek), dok je u međuvremenu povremeno objavljivao singlove.
jan 12 2025
(Self-released/Bite It Promotion) 2025.
Indie rock/pop – GERMANY
Kyles Tolone is a quartet from Gottingen, whose saga lasts for 12 years. The international premiere of the third album „Youth“, is scheduled for January 17, 2025, and the band has been working for almost five years on creating songs for the aforementioned release.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews • • Tags: Bite It Promotion, Branimir Lokner, Germany, Indie pop, indie rock, Kyles Tolone, Time Machine Music, Youth