mar 2 2024
DRIVE MOYA – „The Great End“
(Noise Appeal Records/Bite It Promotion/Sony Music Entertainment) 2024.
Dream pop/shoegaze/post rock/grunge – AUSTRIA
Drive Moya is one of the groups that in a short time, since the release of their second album in row, made after a break of five years from the release of their debut album, drew the attention of the critical public to their current musical thoughts.
avg 16 2024
„Grotlo ll“… drugi EP beogradskog sastava ORGON!
Nedavno je mladi beogradski sastav čija je karijera takođe relativno kratka, objavio svoj drugi EP sa 5 numera, naziva „Grotlo ll“. Prvi EP se zvao jednostavno „Grotlo““, a ovaj aktuelni bi mogao bti nekakav konceptualnni nastavak.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Nova izdanja • • Tags: Branimir Lokner, Grotlo, Grotlo ll, Noise, Orgon, post rock, Stoner, Time Machine Music