mar 22 2024
“Sloboda”..album novosadskog metal sastava Tethyal!
Nakon poduže diskografske pauze od realizacije prethodnog “Carnal..List..Eternal” albuma, novosadski kvartet Tethyal ovih dana se oglasio objavljivanjem novog full-lengtha naziva “Sloboda”. Na albumu se našlo 7 songova otpevanih na maternjem jeziku, za čije tekstove je bio zadužen frontman Nemanja Radovanović, dok je kompletan sastav radio muziku.
mar 23 2024
THOMAS BLOMGREN – “Drommen Om Livet”
(Paraply Records/Hemifran) 2024.
Folk/country/pop/rock – SWEDEN
Thomas Blomgren is one of those personalities who in his later years, first announced himself discographically. But his interest in music dating back to his youth days, but different life paths, led him to different direction.He was studying engineering, and went on to spend his working life in the construction industry.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews • • Tags: Branimir Lokner, country, Drommen Om Livet, folk, Hemifran, Paraply Records, review, Sweden, Thomas Blomgren, Time Machine Music