jun 28 2024
“2×42”..EP novosadskog muzičara Jean Jacques Zekića!
Pre nekoliko dana na svojoj “Bandcamp” strani, novosadski muzičar Jean Jacques Zekić postavio je 4 kompozicije, koje su se našle na izdanju naziva “2×42”. Pri samoj realizaciji EP-a pored pomenutog Zekića, bile su prisutne još : Marie Madlova – vocal (02) i Ružica Bereš – vocal ( 04 ). Inače novosadski muzičar je pored vokalnih rola, na sebe preuzeo i ulogu gitariste, basiste, osobe koja barata synthom, kao i beat lupovima.
jul 3 2024
STEVE HUNTER – “The Deacon Speaks”
(Deacon Records) 2024.
Blues / blues rock – USA
The veteran of many music “wars” are back with new solo album, called “The Deacon Speaks”. This more than well-experienced guitarist and musician is best known for his contributions to Peter Gabriel, Lou Reed and Alice Cooper. And that also was only a part of his career. This established studio performer has also released with actual one 8 solo albums.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews • • Tags: blues, blues rock, Branimir Lokner, Deacon, Deacon Records, Steve Hunter, The Deacon Speaks, Time Machine Music